FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
CaptainSparklez Animation Son


After the tragic end of his kingdom, a young boy is saved from the rubble of his castle by a group of villagers, and is transported to be taken care of. Eventually, he learns of the cause of his home's crumble, and the bigger threat just beyond the horizon.

Power and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-B, possibly Low 7-C

Name: Left ambiguous

Origin: Fallen Kingdom

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Swordsman

Attack Potency: At least City Block level, possibly Small Town level (Tamed the Ender Dragon along with his father. Killed Herobrine and Wither)

Speed: Athletic Human with at least Subsonic reactions and combat speed (Kept up with Herobrine, who was able to do this. Kept up with the Wither)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least City Block Class, possibly Small Town Class

Durability: At least City Block level, possibly Small Town level (Can take hits from the Wither and Herobrine without any armor)

Stamina: Likely high (Can keep fighting even with grievous injuries)

Range: Standard melee range physically, extended melee range with a sword, dozens of meters with a bow

Standard Equipment: Diamond Sword and Bow & Arrows

Intelligence: He is a master swordsman, seeing as he was taught at a young age how to wield one. He also seems to be able to come up with innovative plans in battle, as he used the environment around him to kill the Wither.

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Fallen Kingdom- The Complete Minecraft Music Video Series
