FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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Xeilanda, Liquid Guardian of Earth.


Xeilanda is an OC created by Luxardel.

Xeilanda is a deity About 1 billion years before the main story takes place, Xeilanda, who is part of Team Sayori, shared the punishment along with the rest of her team for allegedly cheating. She knows that their team was actually set up by another team, but doesn't know which one.

After almost a billion years, she manages to find Luxardel outside a nearby village. She tries to jog his memory by telling him that he is her husband, but he totally doen't buy it. She is heartbroken about this news, but decides to take him with her to find the other guardians and prepare for the next tournament in the hopes of restoring his memory along the way. She is determined to bring his memory back to him to restore his former prowess and restore their relationship.


Sensitive to her teammates yet bold on the battlefield, Xeilanda is known for her beauty both physically and in personality. She loves to play the supportive and defensive position, which further reflects who she is. She can also be stern when it comes to taking a serious situation serious.

Personal Statistics

Alignment: Neutral Good

Name: Xeilanda "Xeila" (Shee-LON-dah)

Origin: Xenotheos

Gender: Female

Age: Over 1 billion years old

Classification: Star Child (Deity)


Tier: 5-B

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Durability, Density Manipulation (can manipulate liquids), Matter Manipulation (Ignores durability by attacking atoms), Water Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, low end Cosmic Awareness, Immortality(Type 1).

Attack Potency: Planet Level (can manipulate enough liquids that reach the size of all water on Earth.)

Speed: Lightspeed (Star Children are born with the ability to travel at lightspeed.)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Planet Class (Can launch attacks as massive as the Earth's waters.)

Durability: Planet Level

Stamina: Nearly Limitless (Can replenish energy from stars.)

Range: Planetary (can attack within the range of Earth's diameter.)

Standard Equipment: High Density Sword and Plasma Shield

Intelligence: High

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
