FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

So I'm going to be messing with some values I'm not exactly sure if I can, requested by Hellbeast1

Alright so... I'm lazy so I'm just gonna use ocean depth as my depth, which is 3688 meters.

Surface Area of the Earth is 5.101e+14 m2

Affected stuff are continental crust and water

71% of the Earth's surface is water so

5.101e+14*0.71 = 3.62171e14

3.62171e14*3688 = 1.33568665e18

1.33568665e18*1000 = 1.3356866e+21 kg

29% of the Earth's surface is land

5.101e+14*.29 = 1.47929e+14

1.47929e+14*3688 = 5.45562152e17

5.45562152e17*2700 = 1.47301781e21 kg

Vaporizing each part.

Water values found on the calculations page btw

1.3356866e+21*4186*100 = 5.59118411e26 joules.

Gonna use Granite for vaporisation, which is 2230 c

Rest is found on the calculations page

1.47301781e21*821.46*2230 = 2.69835622e27 joules

2.69835622e27+5.59118411e26 = 3.25747463e27 joules.

Which wooooouuuuuld be High 6-A at 778 petatons buuut, I didn't do the math for converting this stuff from liquid/solid to gas.

1.3356866e+21*2256.7 = 3.01424395022e24

1.47301781e21*6077872 = 8.9528137e27

8.9528137e27+3.01424395022e24+2.69835622e27+3.25747463e27 = 1.49116588e28 joules or 3 exatons, still Multi-Continent
